Keyword Density. It is the percentage by which the frequency of use of a keyword is measured in relation to the number of total words that a text or content has. It used to be a metric to take into account but today this practice is obsolete since the algorithm understands much better what your content is about, learning to use your titles appropriately and mentioning your keyword at least a couple of times in your text. KPIs. The term KPI is the acronym in English for: Key Performance Indicator , whose meaning would be Key Performance Indicator or Performance Meter . It refers to the set of indicators or metrics that are used to know about the effectiveness of the actions taken in a business to achieve the established objectives.
They are quite common in digital marketing since they are a good way to track advertising campaigns, the evolution of organic traffic on a website, the conversion rate when obtaining sales of a product, etc. l Link Building. Just as the translation Canada Mobile Database says, link building , that's what it's all about. Link building refers to creating or building links on your own, either by posting in a forum where you share a link to your website or by adding your link to your social media accounts. Link Baiting. Essential technique for any SEO who wants to climb organically in Google results. Link baiting, in Spanish “link bait”, is a technique that aims to obtain external links naturally by creating high-quality content that attracts the attention of users and makes them want to share it with other people. LinkJuice.
Translated into Spanish it would be “link juice”, which refers to the “juice” or authority power of a link . It is a technique that is applied in SEO to transfer authority from one URL to another, that is, from one web page to another. It is associated, more than anything, with an internal linking strategy, although you may also hear it related to external linking, if the meaning does not vary. It is simply what is known as page authority transfer or, precisely, Page Rank. LSI Keyword. This term refers to words semantically related to the main keyword of a text published on the Internet. An example of this type of words would be those phrases or words that appear below the results when you perform a search on Google.