Build more horizontal relationships within schools, avoiding the concentration of decision-making power in a single group. It is about focusing on democratic relations within the school and building a process of greater autonomy of action and decision-making through collective discussion with and among teachers. School management actions to develop Collective Pedagogical Work must have an integrative character, that is, a link between managers and teachers, always optimizing a democratic, flexible and participatory environment. School management maintains a significant function, allowing acts that enable the teacher to reflect on their practice through criticism of events and exchanges of experiences. Leite (2012) comments that the work of a school manager requires multiple skills, constituting one of the challenges for managers, and it is up to the systems to organize experiences that are capable of preparing them for this process.
The school manager needs to be equipped with knowledge that can help manage the activities and people who work at the school. In the current context, it must be open to dialogue, criticism and suggestions, creating a space for democratic and participatory debate in the school environment. When asked about the actions they Phone Number List take to carry out Collective Pedagogical Work, the interviewees were very objective, practical and very unique. Actions that are very specific to the position in which they work. (Manager A) I hold a meeting with the two coordinators to align the issues that will be discussed at the HTPC. (Manager B) I prepare the meeting room, leaving the computer and data show ready for the presentation. I write and print important messages for the teachers and also prepare the snack table.
(Manager C) I talk to the director to discuss the topics that should be discussed and then I write the HTPC agenda to deliver to the teachers during the meeting. I also prepare slides and videos to present. (Manager D) I meet with the director before the HTPC to talk about the issues to be discussed at the HTPC. Then I write the agenda for teachers to guide themselves during the HTPC. The school manager and his team have great support in technology to manage and develop their administrative and pedagogical activities. The computer began to be used first in the secretariat and then reached pedagogical activities. It is necessary for technologies to be integrated into all environments, without separating the administrative from the pedagogical, as both are necessary.